This Two-Year-Old’s Hockey Obsession Is Inspiring Pittsburgh

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  • Buckle Up Baby Is The Cutest Little Peguins Fan

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    Tyler Avolia is just two-years-old but he’s inspiring a city of sports fans. The camera caught him at a game cheering enthusiastically after a goal by the Pittsburgh Penguins. Since then, the video’s gone viral and Ty was featured on local news and given free tickets to a game.

    At the same time, a Penguins announcer coined the phrase “Buckle Up, Baby!” which has become a Penguins rallying cry. Ty has now become the “official Buckle Up Baby.”

    His mom said he dreams about hockey, sings the national anthem before he plays in his living room, and has his own mini-goal.

    Watch the full video story on Ty here and yes, buckle up baby.

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