Bubble Wrap Poppers Aim for a Thousand Participants

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  • Bubble Wrap Popping Guinness World Records Title Broken (366 People)

    Source: www.youtube.com / Via: www.youtube.com

    Behold, the sound of hundreds of people popping bubble wrap.

    The Guinness World Record titles are known for encouraging mass participation in some of the oddest events the world has seen. Yet, few are aware of the bond that established when hundreds of students, teachers and volunteers come together to pop bubble wrap.

    The University of Florida’s Bateman Team and Student Government knows that bond, having gathered 399 participants in a bubble wrap popping event.

    The current record holder is Twin Lakes Elementary School in Elk River, Minnesota with an astounding 942 people who got involved in the event.

    If mass bubble wrap popping trends continue, we will soon be seeing groups in the thousands stomping, wringing and picking at the packaging material.

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