Reddit’s New Community Lets You Go Full Sherlock

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  • Guess the a s l  and pictures

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    Subreddit Guess The ASL is dedicated to a unique kind of Internet mystery. Users post a photo of a particularly revealing spot in their home — something like a closet, or refrigerator or desk — and then other users must guess, based on the context, the age, gender and location of the original submitter. (The rules also suggest that you should guess their relationship status.)

    For example, who do you think posted the following image of a pantry shelf?

  • Xsly98e

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    If you guessed “a woman in her mid-to-late twenties in Florida,” that is not right but it is CLOSEST to being correct! As least according to the original poster, AreNotOnFire.

  • A pantry shelf  and refrigerator    guesstheasl

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