Woman in Court Awkwardly Says “Vagina” 20 Times

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  • Source: www.youtube.com / Via: www.youtube.com

    Look, sometimes in a sexual harassment and/or assault case, you have to go to court and say the word “vagina.” A lot. You don’t have to be all weird about it.

    This video from March 2014, now trending on Reddit, is a supercut of a woman saying the V-word (as well as a couple euphemisms like “vajayjay” and “snookie” and some other anatomical terms) as she testifies in court. She seems uncomfortable with the word, and is compensating by forcefully saying it as often as she can.

    “Men appreciate – sometimes, some men appreciate the sight of a vagina, even,” she says awkwardly. “The sight of a vagina is nice.”

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