The Biggest Episode of The Fine Brothers’ “React” Yet?

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  • The Fine Brothers uploaded a special episode of “React” earlier today. Do you think this could be their biggest episode yet? This episode features TV, sports, and movie stars, including Tony Hawk and Nick Cannon.

    But remember that Variety did a survey that shows YouTubers are actually more popular among US teens than mainstream celebrities. The video uploaded today featuring mainstream celebrities has already amassed over 1.2 million views in less than 12 hours.

  • YouTubers React to Try to Watch This Without Laughing or Grinning

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    This is the Fine Brothers’ most popular episode of YouTuber’s React. It was uploaded just over a year ago during YouTube’s very first Comedy Week. It has just over 28.2 million views to date.

    Do you think this episode of “React” featuring mainstream celebrities will prove that Variety survey wrong and surpass the view count of the most popular episode of YouTubers React? Let us know in the comments below, or tweet us @WhatsTrending!

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