Raiders: The Doc of The Remake of The Greatest Action Movie Ever

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  • The late 1970s and early 1980s were a great time to be a kid. George Lucas and Steven Spielberg made sure of that. In the span of a decade, the idea of the “summer movie” was changed forever with Jaws, then Star Wars, its sequels, and the introduction of a new heroic icon: Indiana Jones.

    Raiders of the Lost Ark came out in June 1981. If you haven’t seen it recently, give it another watch. It holds up as one of the greatest action films of all time. It may be the ultimate “popcorn” movie. In 1982, two 11-year-olds felt the same way. Their fandom was such that they set out to recreate the entire film, shot-for-shot, starring themselves.

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    It took them seven years, but they finished the movie…except for the airplane scene.

    Cut to 20 years later, and filmmaker Eli Roth somehow gets a VHS copy of this thing. He watches it, loves it, sends it to Harry Knowles, founder of Ain’t It Cool News. He watches it, loves it, wants to screen it.

    One thing leads to another, and before you know it two grown men who haven’t spoken in years are trying to finally finish their epic recreation by filming the airplane scene.

    The new documentary Raiders: The Story of the Greatest Fan Film Ever Made, explores the lives of these two boys/men, what happened between them, and how they came back together after 30 years to try and finish what they started.

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