Donald Trump Inaugurated As 45th President Of The United States

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  • On the morning of January 20th, 2016, Donald Trump, the gossip column favorite, reality TV show star and businessman, has been sworn into the presidency of the United States of America.

    Trump’s inaugural speech emphasized points similar to that of his campaign — proclaiming that he’s putting an end to the rule of politicians and bringing it back to the forgotten man and repeating the message of “America First”, saying “The American carnage stops right here and right now.”

    Many have noted how dismal the speech is, and how it echoes white power sentiments — in particular, the phrase, as noted by CNN was created to appease Nazis and Adolf Hitler in the days leading up to World War 2. Additionally, any and all mention of LGBT has been taken down from the White House website, as has any mention of disabilities.

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  • Protests will be happening across the country today and tomorrow, as part of the Million Woman March. More information can be found here.

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