John Oliver Looks At How Trump Lies to Americans

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  • John Oliver has covered many topics in depth during this past year on the show, from Equifax’s hack to Infowars’ weirdness. He then closes out his season with the topic most of all on our minds — the disastrous and awful presidency of Donald Trump. He proceeds to cover the subject with an angle not much seen on most comedy news shows — how he has changed culture. He looks at Trump’s three big strategies — delegitimizing the media, whataboutism and, most confoundingly of all, trolling. Trolling here being the act of doing something just to make people mad. And the president does it. Fun.

    Oliver then goes into how Trump uses these kinds of tactics — but maybe most worryingly of all — how it impacts those who want to be LIKE Trump. People running for office, people discussing such serious subjects as Roy Moore and the Charlottesville. Man, Hillary Clinton makes a lot of appearances in these dispiriting whataboutism arguments to boot.

    Oliver then reminds us to keep fighting even if it feels exhausting, and swears to do some fighting of his own, by airing commercial during Fox News trying to teach Trump to— you know — not be awful. Good luck!

    What do you think of this? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter at @WhatsTrending.

    Also, if you want to see John Oliver’s Green Screen Zebra challenge — users memeing Zebras into fun situations— click here.

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