Norwegian Town Erects Pokéball Statue in Hopes of Getting Own Pokéstop

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  • Pokémon statues: not just for Americans anymore. The last time someone built a Pokémon statue — a giant, mysterious Pikachu in New Orleans — it seemed to be just for the hell of it. But this time, a Pokémon statue has been built for an actual purpose.

    The small Norway town of Vindenes doesn’t have its own Pokéstop. For those unfamiliar with Pokémon Go, Pokéstops are landmark-based locations where players can stock up on items and catch Pokémon. According to a local resident, Vindenes denizens must walk 3-5 miles to get to the nearest one. That’s why Vindenes decided to take matters into its own hands and put itself on the map — literally.

    In a video released this week, an unnamed man introduces us to the world’s first Pokémon Go-dedicated statue. Here’s the original video:

  • Source: / Via:

  • The aim behind constructing a Pokéball statue is to let the developer Niantic know that Vindenes has a landmark worthy of being its own Pokéstop. Unfortunately, Niantic has removed the form on their site that allows people to request Pokéstop locations, and may not be adding any additional Pokéstops in the future. Here’s hoping Vindenes’s action is drastic enough to get Niantic’s attention.

    What do you think? Does Vindenes deserve a Pokéstop? Let us know in the comments below or @WhatsTrending on Twitter!


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