Panda Express Might Introduce a Chopstick/Fork Hybrid Called a Chork

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  • Extra-fake Chinese food isn’t just for exploited YouTube child musicians anymore. Panda Express, everyone’s favorite guilty pleasure faux-Chinese restaurant chain when there isn’t a P.F. Chang’s nearby, is considering moving towards the “chork” utensil. What is the chork? Take a look for yourself:

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  • That’s right: instead of chopsticks or forks, Panda might start combining the two into a “chork” — one end is a fork, and the handle can be split apart to make chopsticks. This isn’t just some reporter telling tales out of school, either. The official Panda Express Twitter responded:

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  • The chork even has its own website,, which both outlines the product and offers some goofy testimonials. According to Brown Innovation Group, the company behind the chork, the product has not one, not two, but THREE uses. Peep this handy diagram from their site:

  • Panda chork 1


  • Like the spork before it, the chork is a bit of dumb genius. I can see why some might hate it — it does mishmash two proud culinary traditions, and it is certainly not “authentic” — but come on. It’s Panda Express. No one’s expecting it to be genuinely Chinese in the first place. If the chork inspires some people to learn how to actually use chopsticks, I’d say it’s a success.

    What do you think of the chork? Is it a handy invention, or does it bastardize culinary traditions? Let us know in the comments below or @WhatsTrending on Twitter!


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