Are AirPods the Way of the Future? Only If the Future Is Dumb

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  • Apple is maybe the most arrogant tech company on Earth. Remember the iPhone SE debacle? Or the $10,000 Apple Watch? Even Steve Jobs himself foretold of this.

    Their latest attempt to piss everyone off is by removing the headphone jack from the upcoming iPhone 7. Apple is bundling the iPhone 7 with a dongle that lets you connect headphones to the phone through the Lightning port… but that means you can’t charge the phone and listen to music at the same time. How are Uber drivers supposed to play you their mixtapes now?

    Apple has made many moves over the years that we thought were dumb at first, but ended up getting accepted by the mainstream. (Even the first iPod was laughed at originally.) This one doesn’t seem to be one of them. Rather, it seems like an effort to force you to buy AirPods, Apple’s new, $159 wireless earbuds, that you’ll somehow manage to lose before you even finish checking out.

    The internet’s reaction to the AirPods and the omission of the headphone jack has been swift and savage. This old Onion video parodying Apple’s design strategy rocketed to the top of Reddit’s /r/videos:

  • Source: / Via:

  • And the always quick-on-the-draw Jack Douglass of Jacksfilms released a spot-on parody of the iPhone 7’s announcement:

  • Source: / Via:

  • Everyone knows the old saying, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Apple is aggressively fixing something that shouldn’t be and doesn’t need to be fixed. Sure, the AirPods look futuristic or whatever, and Joaquin Phoenix seemed to like using them in Her. But let me be a cranky old man for a second and say that this is incredibly dumb, greedy, and consumer-unfriendly. Go to hell, Apple.

    Sent from my MacBook Pro.

    What do you think? Are you switching to Android? Let us know in the comments below or @WhatsTrending on Twitter!

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