Who Won The Twitter Wars at #SXSW Interactive

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    A snapshot of some of the data gathered about this year’s SXSW by Simply Measured.

  • Marketing gurus over at Simply Measured analyzed South By Southwest’s presence on Twitter and compiled some impressive numbers.

    Tracking the hashtag #sxsw, here are some of the key highlights from the short study, via Senior Marketing Manager Libby Snead:

    1. 60% increase in total Tweet volume from 2011 to 2012 — a good indication that the event continues to grow in popularity.

    2. 41% of the interactive content being tweeted was photos — making it the most popular content of #SXSW.

    3. FourSquare led the way amongst popular sharing apps, edging out Instagram and lapping YouTube.

    4. 75%  of the chatter around social discovery apps was for Highlight — giving it the title of most talked about social discovery app.

    5. 77% of #SXSW Tweets sent were via iOS — making it the number 1 mobile platform, for the second year in a row.

    Visit Simply Measured to check out the complete results.


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