She’s Back! Tina Fey’s Palin Impression Returns to SNL (Again)

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  • It’s like a law of physics by now – for every Sarah Palin action there is an equal and opposite reaction from Tina Fey on “Saturday Night Live.”

    Following Palin’s bizarre endorsement of Donald Trump, Tina Fey put on a spangly sweater and her trademark glasses to mock Palin’s speech – and Palin was even more intense than usual, so Fey was having a great time, mixing jokes about her failed reality TV shows with nearly verbatim nonsense.

    “I wanted to take a break from my full-time career of writin’ things on Facebook to fly down hurr and lend my support to the next President of the United States, Donald J. Trump!”

    Darrell Hammond’s Donald Trump wasn’t quite as on point, but he still got some good jabs in. “She’s a firecracker. She’s a real pistol. She’s crazy, isn’t she?” he said, as Palin screeched incoherently. “I hope nobody’s allergic to nuts, because we’ve got a big one here. She’s two Corinthians short of a Bible.”

    Do you think this will ever get old? Our host Ava Gordy doesn’t:

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