Woodrocket Interviews PORN STARS About How Their Families Feel About Their Career

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  • Woodrocket — those auteurs cineastes behind such artistic masterpieces such as This Ain’t 30 Rock, This Ain’t Star Trek and This Ain’t Scrubs, all probably called such things because instead of being those TV shows they were in fact porn parody versions of those TV shows — released a video where many of their porn stars discuss how their families feel about their roles in the porn industry.

  • Source: www.youtube.com / Via: www.youtube.com

  • Shockingly, much of the output is very nice! A lot of the stars discuss their incredibly supportive families who are happy their kids are happy, even if they don’t totally understand why their kids do what they do.

    Some could be even seen as a little too encouraging, such as Aurora Snow’s father who said —

    “If I could’ve made hundreds of thousands of dollars having sex I would’ve done it, too”

    Although just as many are a lot less kind, and stories about families cutting off their kids, or families not including their children in their lives. Then, near the end there are stories of the families WATCHING the porn — which for me, is a little bit much.

    This is one in Woodrocket’s series wherein porn stars are humanized, such as this one where porn stars are asked about their college education—

  • Source: www.youtube.com / Via: www.youtube.com

  • What do you think of the video though? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter at @WhatsTrending.

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