Phoenix Man Torches LGBT Youth Center

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  • Footage has been released of a man in Phoenix, Arizona pouring gasoline and setting fire to an LGBT youth center.

    The video is hard to watch, but luckily no one was hurt inside the building. Likewise, the situation might be more complex than it seems, as the man was someone who benefited from the center’s services until he aged out of it. Police have released the video of the man, one Darren Beach Jr, in the hopes of finding him.

  • No one was injured in the fire, and the center plans to open in a new location in September. Remember to support the LGBT centers around you and in your neighborhood, as they give young LGBT kids a safe space to be.

    There additionally has been a conversation on Twitter on wether or not the man should or shouldn’t be called a terrorist that has risen, with opinions being seen in both directions.

    What do you think of this situation — complex as it is? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter at @WhatsTrending.

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