Jim Carrey Under Attack From Conservatives for Sarah Huckabee Sanders Picture

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  • Source: twitter.com / Via: twitter.com

  • In recent years Jim Carrey has shied away from more acting work in order to focus on art. This resulted in a few very wonderful things — things like the documentary I Need Color. It also resulted in a few bits of very tacky, but heart-in-the-right-place stye pictures such as his anti-Trump works. One picture, in particular, seems to have angered exactly its target audience — supporters of Donald Trump. Jim Carrey’s marker picture of Sarah Huckabee Sanders calling her Christianity into question. Now, one might say this is a pretty obvious criticism of a figure who has made life regularly harder for Americans around the world by lying for a three-time accused assaulted. And I would say I would agree.

    However, the GOP has reacted with anger, with noted misogynistic transphobe Mike Huckabee, and incidentally father to Sarah Huckabee Sanders, saying this —

  • Source: twitter.com / Via: twitter.com

  • Classy. Mike Huckabee slipping something weirdly Islamophobic and anti-semitic into his statement as he pretends to not understand why Jim Carrey is calling Sarah Huckabee Sanders a “so-called Christian.” If Jim Carrey wants to insult people, he has to be the president for goodness sakes! Still, the bad faith arguments will continue for this picture, and Kathy Griffin, who also suffered a career setback for a bad faith argument for her own photos, responded —

  • Source: twitter.com / Via: twitter.com

  • Source: twitter.com / Via: twitter.com

  • Source: twitter.com / Via: twitter.com

  • Jim Carrey, however, has been enjoying this attention seemingly and been tweeting out other examples of his anti-Trump work. So there you go. If you want your criticism of Trump to be taken seriously, just be an actor in a 90’s movie Trump may have seen.

  • Source: twitter.com / Via: twitter.com

  • Source: twitter.com / Via: twitter.com

  • Source: twitter.com / Via: twitter.com

  • Source: twitter.com / Via: twitter.com

  • What do you think? Did Jim Carrey’s picture cross a line? Is the GOP making bad faith arguments? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter at @WhatsTrending.

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