WATCH: The Rock Hosts HQ With Scott Rogowsky

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  • The Rock has been pulling out all of the stops with his press tour for Rampage — the adaptation of the 8-bit arcade game. Or, if you’re like me, the Nintendo 64 remake. Rampage World Tour, baby!

    Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has been making talk show appearance after talk show appearance — some, where he opened up quite a bit — and now he’s done something pretty new for both the star and the act of movie promotion in general. He hosted HQ with Scott Rogowsky in an absolutely charming turn!

    The Rock, the wrestler turned movie star turned presidential wannabe turned — app game show host? Maybe! Scott Rogowsky and The Rock have an absolutely adorable chemistry as their positive energy beams infinite with The Rock loving every quip and pun that Scott is laying down, and soon a lucky few walk away with some money. However, are we all not lucky when we see some beautiful comedy done by The Rock?

    What do you think of The Rock’s HQ hosting turn? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter at @WhatsTrending.

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