The First Honest Liquor Ad

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  • OK, so it’s not technically a real liquor ad, but rather a PSA from alcohol-awareness group IQ. But, it plays real enough in the beginning to trick the viewer into believing it’s a real liquor ad, and apparently that’s just what’s been going on in Great Britain. Though it’s a Swedish commercial, liquor ads are illegal in Sweden, so the fake ad/PSA has been running during normal commercial breaks in the UK alongside Swedish shows.

    The second half of the commercial depicts the darker side of alcohol and even notes that 320,000 Swedes are addicted to alcohol. The intention of the ad is to build awareness for the growing problem of alcoholism in Sweden, and it has done that very thing – since the ad was uploaded to YouTube, it has gained nearly 150,000 views in just under ten days.

    And while the ad has been criticized for being one-sided, the end take away should be to simply drink responsibly, but keep in mind what can happen if you don’t.

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