Father of Trayvon Martin releases Father’s Day PSA

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  • The father of slain teenager Trayvon Martin, Tracy Martin, has released a Father’s day-themed video where he talks about gun violence and the controversial stand-your-ground law.

    “This Father’s day will be the first one without my son, Trayvon,” Martin says in the video. “I will say a prayer for all the dads in America who share this grief with me.”

  • According to the video, some 30,000 fathers lost sons or daughters last year to what Martin calls “senseless gun violence.” In the video, he asks viewers to consider contacting the governors of their respective states to ask them to review similar laws.

    “I still believe that life is beautiful, and that together we can make a real difference,” Martin says.

    The video was originally posted on the website GlobalGrind.com

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