LIVE: Felix Baumgartner Attempts Freefall from Outer Space for Red Bull Stratos Mission

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  • Red Bull Stratos is making history today with its daring Edge of Space Mission, streaming LIVE on

    The gist? Felix Baumgartner will ascend 120,000 feet above the ground and jump from a stratospheric balloon in an attempt to break the speed of sound in freefall.

    Should all go according to plan, Felix’s jump will “transcend human limits,” break three of U.S. Air Force Colonel Joseph Kittinger’s records, and “advance scientific discoveries in aerospace for the benefit of mankind.”

    Good luck, Felix!

    As the team waits for prime weather conditions, the jump has been delayed until 10:30 am PT/1:30 pm ET. Stay tuned above and follow @RedBullStratos for more details.

    Here’s a trailer to whet your appetite:

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