Ann Coulter Gives Up the Charade, Becomes a Literal Nazi

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  • Read that tweet. Read that damn tweet. Maybe you’re one of those people — I know a few — who think Ann Coulter is just a sh*t-stirrer, making noise and being deliberately controversial occasionally, but overall a positive ambassador for conservatism. Maybe you thought some of the jokes about her at the Roast of Rob Lowe were mean-spirited and crossed a line.

    If you are indeed one of those sensible conservatives, who buys the occasional Coulter book and rolls his or her eyes at some of her more controversial statements: well, first of all, you don’t know enough about her, but more importantly — reading that tweet had best change your mind. That’s full blown white nationalism, and I won’t hear otherwise.

    Let’s break this down. First I want to address the defense that this a weaselly-worded statement; that just because Ann Coulter is saying only pure-blooded Americans could determine the outcome of the election doesn’t mean they should.

    That argument falls apart as soon as you consider literally anything else Coulter has said and done in the past year and a half. Remember when she wrote, in her book In Trump We Trust, that “there’s nothing Trump can do that won’t be forgiven… Except change his immigration policies”? Score one for virulent anti-immigrant rhetoric, score zero for Coulter being able to back out of this tweet.

    Oh yeah, then there’s this:

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  • Blinding white truth, more like.

    Okay, now that we’re all on the same page that Coulter is dog-whistling here, let’s look at why this is so genuinely evil.

    As many (including the Huffington Post) have pointed out, her “purity” test is awfully similar to Nazi Germany’s Nuremberg Laws, which aimed at disenfranchising Jews and other “undesirables.” Twitter agrees:

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  • Prefer examples from American history? There’s also the one-drop rule, which codified anyone with even a single black ancestor as black and, therefore, not deserving of rights. Like, you know, voting. The parallel is obvious: where once American “purity” was determined by race, in Coulter’s 2016, it’s now determined by national origin.

    Several people on Twitter pointed out one hilarious side-effect of Coulter’s white nationalist bullsh*t:

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  • The irony, it is so delicious. Go f*ck yourself, racist.

    What do you think? Is Ann Coulter the worst person in this election cycle? Let us know in the comments or @WhatsTrending on Twitter.

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