Leonardo DiCaprio to Play the Joker?

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  • Well, it turns out that Martin Scorsese Joker movie really will be a pure Martin Scorsese Joker movie, as rumors are flying about that Leonardo DiCaprio may play the Joker in the Joker origin movie story. In the past Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio have collaborated on countless projects — from The Aviator to Shutter Island to of course his Best Picture award winning film The Departed. There’s also Gangs of New York and Wolf of Wall Street, but you get it. The duo has collaborated a lot, but never inside the confines of— the DC Universe!

    Leonardo DiCaprio will be the latest actor to play the Joker — a role that has for some reason always been populated with Academy Award winners — and even more so ever since Heath Ledger gave his inexplicably perfect performance in The Dark Knight. Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger and Jared Leto are maybe the most public figures to play the role, and we can’t discount Mark Hamill’s brilliant performance through any time the Joker needs a voice only actor.

    What do you think of this potential casting news? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter at @WhatsTrending.

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