Elon Musk Chats With Rick and Morty Twitter Feed

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  • Rick and Morty fans can be snobby, weird people. Or they can invent a newly popular electric car. Both are just halves of loving the Szcheusuan sauce swilling, reality trip jumping, strange bananas sitcom known as Dan Harmon and Justin Roilland’s Rick and Morty. Elon Musk replied to the Twitter feed of the official Rick and Morty account with a few jokes of his own in response to the feed discussing the finale and preparing for shit posts. I mean, Tweets from Elon Musk are barely shit posts. They’re more like Shit 3000 posts from an alternate reality! Ah, look at me try to write Rick and Morty style jokes! Not annoying at all! Let’s check out the convo between what is no doubt a hapless intern at Starburns Inc and the guy who will someday send us all to Mars, Elon Musk.

  • Source: twitter.com / Via: twitter.com

  • Source: twitter.com / Via: twitter.com

  • Source: twitter.com / Via: twitter.com

  • Source: twitter.com / Via: twitter.com

  • Source: twitter.com / Via: twitter.com

  • Source: twitter.com / Via: twitter.com

  • Source: twitter.com / Via: twitter.com

  • Source: twitter.com / Via: twitter.com

  • What do you think, was Elon Musk as funny as Rick and Morty’s Twitter feed? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter at @WhatsTrending.

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