Movies ‘Freaky Friday 2’ Scheduled for 2025 Theatrical Release: Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis Reunite On Set Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis, stars of the beloved 2003 comedy "Freaky Friday," have reunited for a sequel set to hit theaters in 2025. by Andy Lalwani
News Lindsay Lohan Announces First Pregnancy With Husband Bader Shammas Actress Lindsay Lohan has confirmed that she is pregnant in an Instagram post. Lohan married her husband Bader Shammas in 2022. by Madison E. Goldberg
Music/News Fall Out Boy Announces First Album in Five Years, “So Much (For) Stardust” Fall Out Boy trends as they announce their first album in five years, "So (Much) For Stardust", and share a music video rife with easter eggs. by Madison E. Goldberg