Teacher Helps Adorable First Grader with Letter to ToothFairy

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We all remember the first time we lost a tooth, and our parents creeping into our rooms playing the Tooth Fairy the night after. But for one little girl that memory almost didn’t happen… until her teacher stepped in.

Lily Sculli lost a tooth, her third, at her Pennsylvania elementary school last week. She was so excited to turn it in to the Tooth Fairy when she got home that night, but when she accidentally threw the tooth away at lunch, Lily was devastated.

Her teacher, Laura Roth, wasn’t about to let Lily go home empty-handed though. She quickly wrote a letter to the Tooth Fairy herself, vouching for Lily’s missing tooth and asking her to deliver her reward anyway.

Lily took the note home and put it under her pillow in lieu of her actual tooth. The next morning, her Mom recalls, she ran out of her room “all excited that the tooth fairy read the note, left her $2, and wished her a happy birthday.”

The Tooth Fairy also wrote another note back:


Both notes were shared all over Twitter and Imgur, and the heartwarming story was even shown on Good Morning America.

“She got to see herself on TV, people started contacting us. It has been pretty cool,” Mom said. “Lily told me that people are now asking for her autograph.”


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