There are a few situations when you might want to take our car insurance for multiple drivers. The most common situation is a parent getting insurance for their teen driver, but it can also occur in a shared household or when planning to take a long trip, and you want to split up the driving. Taking out insurance for multiple drivers can be complex, so this post will offer a few tips to help.
Understand the Different Types of Policies
First, you need to understand that there are a few different types of policies available.
Named Driver Policies: Named driver policies give you the ability to add specific individuals to your insurance policy, which gives you control over who can and cannot get behind the wheel. This can also help you lower your premiums, particularly if a named driver has a good driving record.
Any Driver Policies: Any driver policies provide coverage for any driver, which can provide a high level of flexibility. The flexibility of any driver policies tends to come at a higher price than named driver policies.
Consider Experience Levels
You should also consider the experience levels of the drivers that you are taking insurance out for. Keep in mind that insurance companies look at factors like age and driving history, which is why the main driver should be someone experienced to bring costs down. For younger and/or less experienced motorists, you could opt for telematics (black box) insurance – this uses tech to monitor driver behavior, which could lower prices (provided the driver is safe!).
Explore Discounts & Special Offers
You should also take your time to look around for discounts and offers, which could help you save a significant amount. You can often get lower rates if drivers live together, known as household discounts. There are also multi-vehicle discounts, which involve discounts when multiple cars are covered under one policy.
Compare Multi-Car Policies
Following on from this, if you have two or more cars in the household, you should look to see if you can make savings with a multi-car insurance policy. In addition to substantial savings, multi-car insurance policies can also streamline the management of your insurance with a single renewal date, less paperwork, and one point of contact.
If you want to take out car insurance for multiple drivers, the information in this post should be useful. Although it might seem complex, it can be straightforward, and there are always ways to make savings.