A High School Cheerleading Routine for September 11?

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    People use art to express their feelings about major life experiences, and cheerleading counts as an art form if you think about it, so I guess it’s okay that Lumberton High School’s cheer squad has an annual 9/11 tribute routine? Even though it’s kind of bizarre and the cheerleading coach weirds me out?

    The routine features audio from the terrorist attacks including radio broadcasts and sound clips of George W. Bush before moving into Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the U.S.A.,” because of course it does. And it turns out the school has done this every year since 2002, under the guidance of coach Crystalynn Petosky who was a cheerleader on the squad on the day of the attacks.

    Like, she graduated high school and then stuck around to coach the squad she graduated from, because the 9/11 tribute cheer is far too important to be left in others’ hands or something.

    Well, the clip has finally gone viral on Facebook this year – and judging by the fact that it has millions of views but only six “Likes” and the comments are disabled, people really don’t appreciate it.

    Petosky has responded that she respects people’s opinions but then goes on to say, “My face is being shown all over America, and perhaps will also be shown all over to Japan soon. So anybody that has something bad to say, Fuck You All, I’m going viral.”

    Oof, really not sure how I feel about this one.

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