Viral Anti-Mask Karens Take Over Target in Florida and Push Back Against School Work

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We have spent the majority of our year in quarantine and there are still people protesting masks across the country. The opposition followed even after several medical experts suggested that the act of wearing masks would not only help keep us from transmitting COVID-19, but it would finally end quarantine. Dr. Robert R. Redfield, director of the Center For Disease Control (CDC), said in July that, “Cloth face coverings are one of the most powerful weapons we have to slow and stop the spread of the virus – particularly when used universally within a community setting. All Americans have a responsibility to protect themselves, their families, and their communities.” 

As the summer has winded down and COVID-19 is still rampant, stores, restaurants and other places of businesses have required masks to be worn in their storesWhile there is plenty of data to back up the CDC’s claims for masks, some people are finding it ‘appending on their freedom,’ so they have taken it upon themselves to not wear facemasks inside where they are mandatory. This group considers themselves ‘anti-maskers.’ 

Taking Over Target

And anti-maskers have struck again, this time making a scene inside of a Target in Florida- and it was all on recording. A video went viral of a group of people with no-masks walking through the Floridian Target screaming, “take ‘em off!” and “we’re not gonna take it anymore!” The adults in the video even ask the people of the retail store to look to their kids as examples, as three teenage sons follow the group. 

Comments on the TikTok include, “I can’t believe there’s people like this” and “It’s literally for your own safety.” People are not reacting well to the video for obvious reasons. People that refuse to wear masks are a major part of the reason why we are still in quarantine, almost seven months later. Seeing videos of people acting recklessly is pouring salt on the wound of those who have been playing by the rules. 

CDC Recommendations

These anti-mask groups are doing the opposite of what we should be doing to stop the spread of COVID-19.  Here is a reminder of how coronavirus can spread.

COVID-19 can spread between people who are in close contact with one another.  This is because it spreads through respiratory droplets produced when someone who is infected sneezes, coughs or breathes close to another person. And that is exactly why facemasks are so important and crucial right now. 


The CDC says to wear a mask because COVID-19 can be spread by people who do not have symptoms and do not know that they are infected. “40% of people who test positive for COVID-19 are asymptomatic.” Maybe you are not at risk, but your parents and grandparents could be affected much greater than you. At the end of the day, wouldn’t you rather be safe than sorry? Unfortunately, this sentiment has not sat well with other people.

Grandma Karen

There are still some people who don’t like the idea of wearing masks. A video went viral of a woman saying how she is concerned that her granddaughter is learning about wearing masks at school.

Karen flips out on school for teaching her granddaughter about masks
by u/Basilstorm in FuckYouKaren


The New York woman’s granddaughter colored in a facemask worksheet for school, and this grandmother was livid. She doesn’t want her granddaughter to think that wearing masks is the new normal. She complains about how the kids are learning about masks and she says that it is a “disgrace”.  She then says that New York’s parents in her area should join her and stand up.

Videos like this have been trending for a while, and it is hard to watch people resist something that is helping their community, especially while placing children and other people at risk to prove some sort of twisted idea of freedom. 


What do you think about these videos? Should parents be getting mad that their kids are learning about wearing masks in school? Should big groups be able to walk through Target trying to convince others to take off their mask?





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