Mexican Fish Orgy Deafens Dolphins

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  • Look. Let’s pretend you’re a horny as hell fish.

    And let’s pretend you just got invited to the hottest fish orgy in town. That town? The country of Mexico. Oh hells yeah, you know this is a kickin’ fish orgy! But what if — listen up— they deafen other species around them?! Such as dolphins! How? Who? Why? Huh?! Listen up horny fish and fans of horny fish! I’m going to tell you all about it.

    The fish is called the Gulf corvina and they have a mating call which sounds like: “a really loud machine gun,” and when together, sounds like “a crowd cheering at a stadium or perhaps a really loud beehive.” Well which is it, and how loud is this beehive that it makes other species go deaf?

    The corvina’s overexcited mating calls deafen or damage the hearing of species who prey on them, such as seals, sea lions, and dolphins. Imagine stopping your enemies with your noisy sex sounds! Well, if you’re still pretending you’re a horny as hell fish, then it’s an easy line to draw!

    Conservationists are worried overfishing will destroy what they call the “spectacle” of these very loud fish mating. As for me, I think the walls of this apartment are very thin, and I have to go to work in the morning, so keep it down Gulf corvina. Keep it down!

    What do you think of this loud, horny fish? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter at @WhatsTrending.

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