Here at What’s Trending, we’re dedicated to reporting and delivering accurate and truthful information. When we’re wrong, we’ll make corrections as soon as possible.
A correction will always be labeled as a correction and in ways that are visible to consumers. If you believe we have published something that is inaccurate or factually incorrect, please contact us.
Include “Correction Request” in the subject line, and provide a link to the article or post you wish to be corrected in the body, as well as sources for your correction request as well.
Freelancing/Sponsored Posts
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Editorial Team:
Madison Goldberg – Associate Editorial Reporter
Video Team:
Andy Lalwani – Senior, Entertainment Reporter
Maddison Hill – Associate, Entertainment Reporter
Abigail Karl – Audience Development Producer
Daniella Baltazar – Video Producer
Mitch Wells – Associate, Video Editor
Founded by Shira Lazar