Jack Quaid Says Agrees with ‘Nepo Baby’ Label for Himself: ‘I’m an Immensely Privileged Person

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Jack Quaid, the 32-year-old actor known for his roles in “The Boys” and other projects, recently reflected on his career and the perceptions surrounding his Hollywood lineage in an interview with the Daily Beast.

As the son of famous actors Meg Ryan and Dennis Quaid, Jack acknowledged the advantages that come with his background. “People have called me a ‘nepo baby,'” he admitted. “I’m inclined to agree. I am an immensely privileged person, was able to get representation pretty early on, and that’s more than half the battle.”

Despite the initial opportunities facilitated by his family connections, Jack emphasized his dedication to proving himself in the competitive entertainment industry. “I knew the door was open for me in a lot of ways that it’s just not for a lot of actors, and I’ve just tried to work as hard as I possibly can to prove that I deserve to walk through that door,” he explained.

Reflecting on his mother’s perspective, Jack addressed Meg Ryan’s previous comments defending his talent against the label of “nepo baby.” “I don’t think she’s trying to say that I’m not a nepo baby,” he clarified. “I think she’s just trying to say that, in her opinion, it undermines my talent.”

Acknowledging the complexities of his position, Jack noted, “I don’t think it undermines my talent. I know that I work hard, and I know I’ve heard ‘no’ way more than I’ve heard ‘yes.’ But I also know that this industry is insanely hard to break into, and I had an easier time doing that than most.”

Regarding his career choices, Jack mentioned his deliberate approach to roles, especially in comparison to his mother’s iconic status in romantic comedies. “It was a little bit of a conscious decision to not do [rom-coms] as much,” he disclosed. “I can’t just get into that space, it’s got to be right. It’s got to be something that feels different enough from what she’s done. I’m not looking to take her place or anything.”

In a nod to his upbringing and supportive family, Jack recalled a pivotal moment from his early acting days that resonated with both his parents. Meg Ryan shared her pride in Jack’s career trajectory, reminiscing about seeing him perform in middle school. “I remember seeing him in a middle school production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” she recounted in a Glamour interview. “I had my head in my hands and was like, ‘Oh, no. He’s good. He’s really good.'”


The proud mother added, “I leaned forward, and I see Dennis, and he’s also leaning forward with his head in his hands. I just knew.”

Jack Quaid continues to navigate his Hollywood journey with a blend of humility about his privilege and a commitment to carving out his own path in the industry.

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