Shake From Love Is Blind S2 Receives Backlash For Shady IG Caption | What's Trending

Shake From Love Is Blind S2 Receives Backlash For Shady IG Caption

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thepuppydoc on IG

 Social media is upset at Shake from Netflix’s Love Is Blind season two. For those of you who didn’t watch the show, Shake matched with an amazing woman named Deepti. Throughout the show and at the reunion Shake said horrible things about her appearance.

In addition to that, how he talks about women in general is not great. Therefore, people are not happy now that he’s taken to Instagram to show off his new girlfriend complete with a shady caption that reads “good things come to those who wait” with the word wait crossed out and replaced with “don’t settle.”

Fans felt he was insinuating he would have been settling with fan favorite Deepti. Considering he disabled his comments on the post, that just forced people to react over on Twitter. They were not here for Shake’s new girlfriend reveal and his shady caption at all.

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