Trump Promises to Pursue Prosecution of Google if Elected in 2024

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Donald Trump is seen leaving his Trump Tower apartment on his way to Court for his Hush Money Trial in Manhatan New York City.
Photo: Elder Ordonez /

Former President Donald Trump has announced that he plans to seek the prosecution of Google if he wins the 2024 presidential election. His remarks came during a campaign event in Iowa, where he addressed a crowd of supporters and expressed concerns over the tech giant’s influence on information dissemination and search algorithms.

Trump accused Google of bias against conservative viewpoints, asserting that the company has been manipulating search results to favor liberal narratives while suppressing conservative content. “If I’m elected, we will take on Google,” Trump declared. “They have been controlling the information that people see, and it’s time for them to be held accountable.”

The former president’s comments echo longstanding criticisms from conservative figures who allege that major tech companies are engaged in systematic discrimination against right-leaning perspectives. Trump has previously labeled social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook as “dangerous” for their content moderation policies, which he argues disproportionately target conservative users.

During his speech, Trump also emphasized the need for greater transparency in how search engines operate, particularly regarding algorithms that determine which content is prioritized. He suggested that the lack of transparency creates an uneven playing field for individuals and organizations seeking to share their views. “People should have the right to see all the information available, not just what Google wants them to see,” he said.

Trump’s statements regarding Google reflect a broader trend in American politics, where the regulation of Big Tech has become a focal point for both parties. While many Democrats advocate for stricter regulations on privacy and monopolistic practices, Republicans, led by Trump, often frame the discussion around free speech and perceived bias against conservative voices.

In his address, Trump reiterated his commitment to protecting free speech and called for reforms that would prevent tech companies from engaging in what he described as “censorship.” “We have to ensure that every American can freely express their opinions without fear of being silenced,” he asserted.

The potential legal ramifications of Trump’s proposals have raised questions among legal experts. While a sitting president cannot directly prosecute individuals or companies, they can influence the Justice Department’s priorities and directives. If Trump were to win the election, he could appoint officials sympathetic to his views on tech regulation, which could lead to increased scrutiny of companies like Google.


Google has faced numerous legal challenges in recent years, including antitrust lawsuits filed by both the U.S. Department of Justice and various states. Critics argue that the company’s dominance in online advertising and search results poses a threat to competition and consumer choice. Google has denied any wrongdoing, insisting that its practices are designed to enhance user experience and provide relevant information.

In response to Trump’s comments, a Google spokesperson stated, “We are committed to providing users with access to a wide range of information, and our products are designed to uphold the principles of transparency and fairness.” The company also pointed to its efforts to combat misinformation and promote accurate content across its platforms.

As the 2024 election approaches, the debate over tech regulation is expected to intensify. Trump’s promises to prosecute Google could resonate with a segment of the Republican base that feels marginalized by the tech industry’s policies. His approach may also attract attention from independent voters who are concerned about the influence of big corporations on public discourse.

Political analysts suggest that Trump’s focus on Google could serve to energize his supporters, especially those who believe that traditional media and tech companies are not representing their interests. By positioning himself as a champion of free speech, Trump aims to galvanize his base and draw attention to issues that resonate with many conservative voters.

Trump’s pledge to seek the prosecution of Google if he regains the presidency highlights the growing divide over tech regulation in the United States. As the former president continues to rally support for his campaign, the implications of his statements could have lasting effects on the relationship between the government and major technology companies.

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