Texas Man Fatally Electrocuted, Woman Critically Injured in Mexico Resort Jacuzzi Incident

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A tragic incident in Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico, has claimed the life of a 43-year-old man, reportedly due to electrocution while in a jacuzzi.

The event unfolded around 8:30 p.m. local time on Tuesday, June 11, within a complex of private condominiums. The General Prosecutor’s Office of Justice of the State of Sonora shared a translated statement on Facebook, identifying the deceased as Jorge “N.” The statement mentioned his companion in the jacuzzi as Lizeth “N.” Unfortunately, Jorge passed away, and Lizeth sustained injuries attributed to a “possible electric discharge.”

Authorities have launched an investigation to ascertain the cause of the electric failure, as outlined in the statement.

Media outlets such as KTSM, NBC News, and CBS4 reported that the man hailed from El Paso, Texas.

CBS4 specified the couple involved as Jorge Guillen and Lizette Zambrano, with Zambrano, aged 35, currently in critical condition and under treatment in a hospital. According to KTSM, she has since been transferred to the U.S. for further care.

The incident unfolded at the Sonoran Sea Resort.

A witness recounted attempting to aid the couple in the jacuzzi but being shocked upon entering the water, according to KTSM.


Nurse Sara Gaitan-Perez, residing in Goodyear, Arizona, was present at the resort during the incident, as reported by the Arizona Daily Star. Gaitan-Perez, who performed CPR on the couple, noted they were alone in the hot tub when the shock occurred.

“The wife ended up becoming responsive and was breathing on her own by the time she was taken by gurney to the ambulance,” Gaitan-Perez stated, according to the publication.

In response to the tragedy, a GoFundMe campaign has been initiated to support the families of the couple. As of Thursday, June 13, the campaign has amassed over $27,000 in donations.

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