Racist Rant At J.C. Penney’s Goes Viral On YouTube

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  • Ho boy. Merry Christmas I guess. Wanna see a weird racist lady yell at a Latinx person? Well, we got that. We have a video of some racist lady taking part in what’s been a little too popular in recent days — blatant bigotry.

    The incident took place in a JC Penney’s after the old woman saw the Latinx’s friend come up to the front of the line with more objects and launched into a racist rant which was captured by shopper Renée Buckner and uploaded to Facebook. Renée added “I had to get back on Facebook, to expose this racism in America/Louisville. If we ignore it, it will never go away”. Very true.

    What do you think of the video? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter at @WhatsTrending and hey— please be good to each other. At least for a little bit, okay?? Okay, I believe in you guys.

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