Watchable Presents: The Weekly WTF

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  • Sure, you can go about your normal every day life, going about your normal every day day, but have you considered breaking up the monotony of existence with a little bit of a healthy amount of WTF? Well, here comes our WTF Watchable playlist, another in our long line of excellent Watchable Playlist, with some of the weirdest, wildest and wackiest stories from the past week, sure to have you going, “Hey man, WTF”, with your host Ava Gordy guiding you along this WTF journey.

    First up — how far would you go to have a fine bottle of wine? Well, if you’re the customers of this eccentric winery, the answer is pretty involved, as a winery in Croatia demands that its patrons dive underwater to retrieve these quite elusive bottles. They’re even encased in a special case just to make sure the bottles are properly protected and the undersea bottles are properly chilled.

    Then, following that, is an odd clock where a photo of a human face acts as a clock with the eyes acting as a minute and hour hands. Intriguing, isn’t it? I think so. Following that as well is a manicure which includes diamonds. My God, your hand could be worth more than someone’s house! Then, finally, there’s the story of the ancient fidget spinner — the fidget spinner from the earliest days of culture proving there truly is nothing new under the sun.

    What do you think of these stories? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter at @WhatsTrending.

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