Bush Sr. Offers Weird as All Hell Apology for Sexually Assaulting Actress

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  • The Harvey Weinstein allegations have finally and thankfully made people feel more comfortable about talking about their experiences and outing and firing problematic people. The names involved can range from directors, business men, editors and even ex-presidents. I mean, elderly ex-president George H. W. Bush is not a person I ever expected to write about for What’s Trending, and yet here we are. George H. W. Bush has confirmed and apologized an actress’ story of a sexual assault at his hands.

    Actress Heather Lind, one of the stars of AMC’s Turn came forward and told of George H. W. Bush grabbing her from behind several times. Lind said —

    ”I found it disturbing, because I recognize the respect ex-presidents are given for having served, and I feel pride and reverence toward many of the men in the photo. But when I got the chance to meet George H. W. Bush four years ago to promote a historical television show I was working on, he sexually assaulted me while I was posing for a similar photo.. He didn’t shake my hand. He told me a dirty joke. And then, all the while being photographed, touched me again.”

    Heather also mentioned that his wife was by his side and rolled her eyes at the assault. The Bush camp has since apologized for the act, and did not deny it, but the apology was weird, as it was called an “attempt at humor”. Yuck. Even if true, barely an excuse.

  • Source: twitter.com / Via: twitter.com

  • At the time, however, Heather Lind got something even more insulting, which was reprimanding for standing so close to the ex-president. Gross. Gross. Gross.

  • Source: twitter.com / Via: twitter.com

  • What do you think of Bush’s apology? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter at @WhatsTrending.

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