Is Sydney McGee’s “Lit Right Now” the New “Friday”?

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  • We may now have the Internet’s new “Friday” — and it’s been sitting just under our nose for months.

    It’s called “Lit Right Now” by Sydney McGee. Check it out below —

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  • The video was actually posted on Sydney’s channel in July 2017, but is only now being widely shared and written about online. And, according to Google Trends, Sydney is about to blow up.

    The song is a “remix” of the Ayo & Teo track of the same name. Listen below —

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  • Sydney’s music video stars her and friends hanging out at Taco Bell, a mansion and Kickapoo High School in Springfield, Missouri. As of now, the video has more than 1 million views.

    It definitely looks like Sydney has her sights set on social media stardom. She’s currently building robust followings on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, but she doesn’t have big time representation just yet.

    In fact, looking at her “About” page on Facebook, all inquiries are to go through her dad, Rick, who works at discount real estate company, Assist2Sell. So, get yourself an interview with a rising social media star and invest in a fixer-upper!

    What do you guys think of Sydney McGee’s song? Let us know in the comments.

    For more stories, follow us on Twitter at @WhatsTrending.

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