Writing an essay can be hard enough as it is, but there are specific tricks and techniques that can really make it easier for you to get the grade you want on your writing. Check out the best essay writing service reddit reviews here for some tips and ideas that can help improve your essay writing skills!
It’s because most of these tricks are not taught in schools and only a professional essay writer would know, so you may have to look for outside sources if you’re struggling with essay writing. In this article, we’ll cover eight tips that will help any student write the perfect essay, no matter what they’re being asked to write about or how much time they have to do it.
1) Get motivated
To write a great essay, it’s important to have some motivation behind what you’re doing. If you’re having trouble getting motivated, talk to your English teacher or one of your parents about your difficulties. In many cases, both can help spur you on when writing an essay becomes a hassle. Achieving success and winning accolades is always rewarding, but if that isn’t enough for you, then consider trying out writing competitions. Most importantly of all though – enjoy yourself! Every writer needs motivation from time to time so don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it most!
2) Find your topic
Before you start writing, take some time to determine what exactly you’re going to write about. You want your essay to be clear and concise—that means you need a topic with a point of view. Start with an opinion and develop an argument based on that opinion. Or, if you’re more interested in describing something specific than having a particular stance, choose a descriptive topic instead.
3) Structure your introduction
The introduction is often overlooked when it comes to essay writing, and that’s a shame. A well-written introduction can make or break your essay, so always take care with your wording. Aim for clarity above all else. Try to answer these questions in your intro: What is my topic? Why do I care about it? What is my thesis? How does it relate to previous research in my field? State as many of these ideas as possible (clearly) at the start of your essay, and you’ll have a much better chance of keeping things coherent throughout—an especially important thing if you plan on going above 10 pages!
4) Use active words and incorporate a variety
When you’re writing an essay, it’s easy to fall into a monotonous routine and begin using passive words. However, don’t be afraid of showing off your voice! Think about how you can incorporate variety into your sentences. Here are some examples that demonstrate active and passive sentences: Active – We investigated all areas of our study area. Passive – All areas of our study area were investigated by us. Active – We will create a survey. Passive – A survey will be created by us. Using these simple tips in conjunction with spell-check software will save you lots of time when proofreading! Try out these tips and let me know how they work for you in the comments below!
5) Make your thesis sentence pop
While it might seem counterintuitive, you want your thesis statement to be more exciting than your introduction. To do that, make sure you’re addressing a clear-cut problem or issue in a dynamic way. Don’t bog down your first sentence with extraneous information and self-aggrandizing facts about yourself; save all that for later. Instead, start with a hook – something that stands out as new and interesting from an academic perspective. And whatever you do, don’t follow anyone else’s advice about how many words your thesis should be; just focus on being direct and precise.
6) Work on connecting paragraphs with transitions
Another common weakness of college essay writing is the lack of transition between ideas. The best essays are written in paragraphs. A paragraph is a group of sentences that all have a similar point, also known as an idea or theme. Paragraphs with themes connect and make writing easier to read and understand. Effective transitions tie one paragraph to another and keep readers’ attention by keeping them interested in your argument or idea. If a reader doesn’t understand how you are connecting ideas together, they lose interest fast! But without transitions, it’s hard for a reader—or even yourself—to follow your train of thought when trying to edit or revise your essay. Do yourself a favor and always use transitions!
7) Proofread, proofread, proofread!
The biggest thing I’ve learned while studying writing is that your first draft will never be perfect. Even if you write something down in a matter of minutes, there are always grammatical errors, poor word choices, and spelling mistakes that show up later. So keep an eye out for these errors as you go through your piece and rewrite it a few times until you feel confident with what you’ve written. There is no such thing as over-editing! (Also don’t forget about commas).
8) End strong.
End your essay on a strong note. Your conclusion should be a summary of your key points, not merely an afterthought. Avoid ambiguous or weak language, and don’t be afraid to provide a call to action that is pointed and direct. For example, Americans are quickly becoming dependent on health care products that are expensive and sometimes dangerous.