Arizona Resident Discovers Long-Lost Lego Piece Stuck in Nose After 26 Years

Andi Norton found a piece of Lego that had been stuck up their nose for over 25 years. PHOTO:
Ben Havoc / Instagram

An Arizona resident recently experienced a surprising discovery involving a Lego piece they had shoved up their nose as a child. Andi Norton, 32, who is also known as Ben Havoc, shared the unexpected revelation in a viral Instagram clip posted on September 2.

Norton revealed that they had inserted a Lego piece into their nose when they were about six years old during the 1990s. Although their mother had attempted to remove it at the time, it appears that a fragment of the toy remained lodged in Norton’s nostril for nearly three decades. The discovery was made only recently when Norton noticed the Lego piece coming out while blowing their nose in the shower.

“My doctor had recommended blowing my nose in the shower because the steam helps clear out congestion,” Norton said in the Instagram video. “I’ve been doing this regularly for the last six months or so.”

Norton, who has struggled with sinus issues, allergies, and congestion for much of their life, explained that they always attributed these problems to their numerous allergies. They are allergic to various elements, including cats, dogs, grass, and many native trees, and have been exposed to these allergens throughout their life.

Despite this, Norton was shocked to discover that the persistent congestion they had been experiencing might have been caused by the Lego piece lodged in their nose. The realization came after they blew their nose while showering, leading to the unexpected expulsion of the toy.

Upon sharing the discovery on Reddit, Norton described their initial reaction. “My first thought when the piece came out was that I had somehow injured myself or expelled something unexpected,” Norton told PEOPLE. “It made a sound that led me to believe it was something like rock or maybe even a tooth.”

The nostalgic recollection hit Norton strongly once the Lego piece was cleaned. “The memory of the Lego piece came rushing back like a scene from the movie *Ratatouille* where the food critic is transported to his childhood,” they said. “I had to show my partners right away!”


Norton, who had previously experienced multiple breathing issues including asthma and sleep apnea, speculated that the Lego piece might have contributed to these problems over the years. “I’m amazed,” Norton admitted on Instagram, adding that they plan to take the Lego piece to their doctor for further examination. “Being able to breathe out of that side of my nose now is fantastic. I haven’t been able to do that since I was a child.”

As a child, Norton’s mother had tried to remove the Lego piece with tweezers, but only managed to extract the Lego head, leaving the rest of the toy still lodged. “The Lego head popped off, so that was also stuck in my nose,” Norton recalled of the failed extraction attempt.

Norton expressed relief upon finding the Lego piece and mentioned that they plan to keep it as a “silly keepsake.” “It felt like a plug was removed, and I experienced a great rush of relief,” Norton said in a conversation with Newsweek.

The story quickly gained traction on social media, with Norton noting that they were surprised by the overwhelming response. “I had no idea this would get so big,” Norton told PEOPLE. “My partners encouraged me to share the story for a laugh because it’s so outlandish that all you can do is laugh. The original Reddit post received 4 million views before a moderator had to move it because it was too interesting for the r/mildlyinteresting category. It’s become a running joke among my friends and family, with everyone making lighthearted fun of it.”

Norton’s story highlights the unexpected and humorous ways in which our past experiences can resurface, and the incident serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing even seemingly minor issues, as they can have long-term effects on our health.

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