Joey Chestnut Set to Confront ‘Ultimate’ Rival Takeru Kobayashi in Netflix Hot Dog Eating Showdown Following Nathan’s Disqualification

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In a surprising turn of events, Joey Chestnut, the renowned hot dog–devouring champion, finds himself embarking on a new culinary showdown.

Just a day after being disqualified from the 2024 Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest, Chestnut, who boasts 16 championship titles, is set to face off against Takeru Kobayashi, a six-time champion himself, in a live Netflix eat-off scheduled for September 2.

Titled “Chestnut vs. Kobayashi: Unfinished Beef,” the event promises to settle a 15-year rivalry between the two competitive eaters. With all-beef hot dogs on the menu, Netflix describes the event as the “ultimate wiener-takes-all competition.” While the exact location and time remain undisclosed, anticipation is high for this culinary clash.

Reflecting on their rivalry, Chestnut acknowledges Kobayashi as his fiercest competitor, stating, “Competing against him pushed me to be so much better.” He expresses excitement for the showdown, declaring, “It’s time to give the people what they want!”

Meanwhile, Kobayashi, who announced his retirement in May, sees this event as his opportunity for a final triumph. He asserts, “Retiring for me will only happen after I take him down one last time,” emphasizing the long-standing nature of their rivalry.

The announcement of this face-off comes shortly after Chestnut’s disqualification from the Nathan’s contest due to a conflict involving a plant-based brand. Major League Eating, the organizing body behind the contest, cited Chestnut’s endorsement of a rival brand as grounds for his exclusion. Chestnut expressed disappointment over the decision, emphasizing his love for the event and his dedication to defending his title.

This conflict underscores the evolving landscape of competitive eating and sponsorship agreements. Chestnut clarifies that while he does not have a contractual obligation to Nathan’s or Major League Eating, the dispute arises from their attempt to alter partnership rules.


The Netflix showdown between Chestnut and Kobayashi marks a significant moment in competitive eating history. Both athletes have left an indelible mark on the sport, with Chestnut dominating the Nathan’s contest for years and Kobayashi setting records in the early 2000s.

As Kobayashi bids farewell to competitive eating, he reflects on the toll it has taken on his health, citing concerns about overeating and its impact on his ability to enjoy food. Despite the challenges, he looks forward to this final showdown as a chance to close this chapter of his life on his own terms.

In the world of competitive eating, where stomachs reign supreme, the Chestnut vs. Kobayashi showdown promises to be an epic battle for the ages. As fans eagerly await the spectacle, one thing is certain: this is more than just a contest—it’s a culinary clash of titans.

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