The New Viral Celine Dion Challenge on TikTok is Everything

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nnaples on TikTok

This latest viral trend is one of the best because it involves the icon Celine Dion. As you’ve been scrolling on your For You page you’ve probably seen the Celine Dion ‘It’s All Coming Back to Me Trend.’


A trend that does Celine Dion justice (????: @iammaddisonhill) (????: @Randi Bosin, @Natalie Rose, @Yerlin Montoya, @Chesney Monroe) #viral #celinedion

♬ original sound – WhatsTrending

Users take the legendary song, grab a couple of additional people to help and then pull off a stage worthy performance complete with an outfit change and a wind machine.

While everyone who has given this trend a try has been great, TikTok user @nnaples arguably did it best. Her take on the trend currently has 20 million views and counting.

If you love Celine Dion and TikTok, take this as your sign to combine two of your loves and participate in this trend.

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