Twitter Rallies Behind Jennifer Garner after Ben Affleck Says He Felt “Trapped” With Her | What's Trending

Twitter Rallies Behind Jennifer Garner after Ben Affleck Says He Felt “Trapped” With Her

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Image: Jennifer Garner | Instagram

In a recent interview with Howard Stern on the radio show “The Howard Stern Show,” Ben Affleck says that he believed he would still be drinking if he continued his marriage with Jennifer Gardner, who he was married to for 10 years. He told Stern that the reason he started drinking was that he felt trapped in his marriage, as he felt he could not divorce her because they had children.

Though Affleck had nice things to say about her, he noted that he began drinking because of their marriage, and would not be sober if not for the divorce, which is not something anyone wants to hear their ex ever say. It is especially not something you want to hear publically. During Affleck’s addiction, Garner tried to help Affleck and often drove him to rehab, and even did so after 3 years of being seperated. Many found it unfair to blame it on Garner, and to publically say so.

Twitter’s reaction

Jennifer Garner immediatly began to trend on Twitter, with many fans rallying behind her and defending her. The situation is reminisent of when the internet protected Anna Faris after her ex husband, Chris Pratt, made comments that some felt were diminishing Faris and her son. The same thing occured, with many people joking that they would love to be “trapped” in a marriage with Garner and in general not accepting any Jennifer Garner slander.


Many maintain the fact that Garner was always too good for Affleck. Others pointed out the rumors that Affleck cheated on Garner with their nanny for their children, which was not addressed in the radioshow.

Though some were of the opinion that what Affleck said was not meant to hurt Garner, and rather to explain why he decided to drink and what made him recieve help, and that he was not intentionally blaming Garner, many Twitter users insisted that besides the intentions, nobody wants to hear that their ex thinks they started drinking because of them. Others pointed out that it could not be true because Affleck drank after the seperation and divorce as well.

Besides your opinions about the situation, it is clear to see that the internet has a clear favoring towards Garner, as she and Affleck began to trend on Twitter with a majority of the Tweets wishing Garner well.

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