Two Canadian Passengers Slammed With 20,000 Fine For Fake Vaccination Cards | What's Trending

Two Canadian Passengers Slammed With 20,000 Fine For Fake Vaccination Cards

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Fake Vaccination cards
Photo // Canadian Border Patrol

Two airline passengers originally from Canada were traveling back from the United States. When they were caught with fake vaccination cards. Canada has a strict policy when it comes to protocol. “The government said providing false information and/or documents to a government of Canada official upon entry to Canada or making false statements. Presenting fraudulent documents, such as vaccination credentials is a serious offense and may result in fines and/or criminal charges. In early July Canada instated the ArriveCan app for the residence of Canada who would like to travel abroad and citizens from other countries who would also like to visit. As Canada prepares to open its doors, they plan to create a system that will allow vaccinated travelers to move efficiently as possible.

The two citizens who the Canadian government has decided remain disclosed have been fined $19,720 each reported by the Washington Post. The Canadian government requires you to be not only be vaccinated when you travel but also stay in a quarantined hotel once you enter the country. Upon your arrival, you will take a covid screening once here and you will be slowly let out into the population over an extended period. The two passengers refused to stay in the quarantined hotel upon their arrival leading up to their detainment.  According to yahoo news, “Health policies regulating international travelers were eased on 5 July, and on 9 August fully vaccinated Americans will be allowed to enter the country for non-essential travel if they follow the government’s requirements.

Canada has already reported over 800 cases a major difference from the United States who has over 100,000 cases of coronavirus more recently. Canada’s strict policy has saved them from many deaths, and they are excited to reopen their borders but want to remain safe as possible. So strict protocol against travel.

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