Shrek, the charming ogre in Dreamworks’ animation franchise of the same name, famously lives in a swamp throughout the films. The star-studded voice acting cast, humorously outrageous fairytale plots, and Smash Mouth infused soundtrack have garnered the franchise a multi generational fan base. Now, fans can stay at Shrek’s cabin in the swamp.
Shrek’s house, located in Highland Council, Scotland, will be available to take reservations starting this October. The first film from the franchise was released in 2001, and starred the likes of Mike Myers, Cameron Diaz, John Lithgow, Eddie Murphy, and more.
The listing, written by Shrek’s best friend Donkey, details the cozy nature of the cabin, and additionally explains that a portion of the proceeds from booking the AirBnB will go to HopScotch Children’s Charity, which offers trips and other activities to disadvantaged children in Scotland.
Fans of the films were delighted at the news that they could now stay at their favorite ogre’s home, and that proceeds would go towards a good cause.
Social Media Reactions
Many longtime fans are already plotting their trips to Scotland. Onlookers are praising the AirBnB’s location, feeling that the Scottish Highlands offer the perfect aesthetic for such an experience.
Oh, it's in Scotland?!?!? As if I needed more incentive to go there! What a perfect spot for that. How cool. Do we know the cost of it? Or whether there are other aspects that make this more immersive?
— Danika ♡ (@Pigs_FlyHere) September 26, 2023
While others expressed that they would like to book a stay at the swamp, some fear the high costs of the endeavor.
Let’s start hearing the prices because they about to be insane
— steven ❀ (@arianaunext) September 26, 2023
Elsewhere, some share their favorite scenes from the films that reference Shrek’s swamp.
— SeriousBlick???? (@SeriousBlick) September 26, 2023
Others joked that they will only rent the AirBnB if it is confirmed they will not wake up an ogre, a curse inflicted on Shrek’s wife Fiona in the films.
I rent if you promise I don’t wake up like Shrek
— Jakeisfake (@Jakeisfak3) September 26, 2023
Some vow to make waffles in the cabin, as Donkey intended.
— KNIGHT ROHIT (@SRKzMessenger) September 26, 2023
Many are already dropping their music requests, and hoping to rent the AirBnB long term. The first “Shrek” film famously opens with “All Star” by Smash Mouth.
Do we get to hear All Star by Smash Mouth the entire time we are there?
— Cat ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡ (@catstaxy_) September 26, 2023
Shrek famously lives in his swamp to escape the chaos of mainstream society and live his life in peace. Some joke that the swamp represents the same way of life to them, and that it remains a life long dream to live there.
I’ve always had this dream
— Riker (@JoeRikerEvans) September 26, 2023
Additionally, DreamWorks is involved in the making of the AirBnB experience, and the company states that the studio intends to bring the animated version to life as closely to the original as possible.
Shrek’s Swamp is now on Airbnb.
Booking opens October 13 at 10am PT:
— Airbnb (@Airbnb) September 26, 2023
The AirBnB will begin to accept bookings for the space on October 13. Inquiries and bookings can be made here. The cost of rental does not reflect international travel or outside expenses, including food and local transportation.