Blac Chyna to Take REVENGE PORN Case to Court

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  • Blac Chyna may take legal action against the person(s) who leaked her sex tape.

    A video surfaced on Twitter over President’s Day weekend showing model Blac Chyna giving oral sex to an unidentified man. It’s now clear that the video was released without Blac Chyna’s consent, and her lawyers are investigating who the leaker could be. The Twitter account that first posted the video has since been deleted.

    Her attorney Lisa Bloom told Buzzfeed: “We don’t know who [leaked the footage]. We have some suspicions, but we don’t know.” Chyna’s attorneys have also said that once they do know for sure, they may take legal action. Bloom said the legal team could bring civil charges, or push for criminal charges using revenge porn or even domestic abuse laws.

    As precedent, Bloom pointed out that Blac Chyna was able to get a restraining order against former fiance Rob Kardashian, when he posted naked pictures and offensive content about her. Bloom tweeted: “Revenge porn — posting explicit images without the consent of everyone in those images — is a crime, a civil wrong, and a form of domestic abuse. It’s also a way to try to slut shame women for being sexual. Girls have killed themselves over revenge porn. It’s not a joke.”

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  • She’s right — women who have brought revenge porn cases to court have had a measure of success in recent years.

    In the UK, YouTuber Chrissy Chambers won unspecified damages in her revenge porn case — the first of its kind in the country. And she only brought civil charges against her former partner in the first place after the court declined to file criminal charges.

    But the movement to make revenge porn a criminal matter is gaining steam. The New York City Council voted last year to criminalize revenge porn. Those convicted face up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine. That being said, a recent investigation in Florida found that few people have been charged under the state’s revenge porn law despite numerous complaints.

    Blac Chyna, who is also represented by attorney Walter Mosley, posted the following to Instagram: “Today’s post saddens me deeply as it is an attack not only against my client but my friend. Why do we think it’s acceptable to sell, or publish, or seek revenge, or blackmail women in this way and without their consent?”

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  • According to TMZ, Chyna’s ex-boyfriend Mechie claims he’s the man in the video, and he has no idea how it got out. He says the whole thing was recorded on Chyna’s phone, and he never had access to it.

    Who do you think leaked this video of Blac Chyna? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter at @WhatsTrending.

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