Marc Summers is speaking out about his experience being interviewed for Investigation Discovery’s latest documentary ‘Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV.”
During an appearance on “Elvis Duran and the Morning Show” the host claims that he was asked to be apart of a documentary about Nickelodeon. At the time, he stated that he did not know it was about the recent allegations against the network that came to light.
“They asked me what I thought of Nick, and the first 10 to 12 seconds, from what I understand, in this documentary is me saying all these wonderful things. But they did a bait and switch on me,” Summers says in a sneak peek of the interview, set to go live on Friday. “They ambushed me. They never told me what this documentary was really about. And so they showed me a video of something that I couldn’t believe was on Nickelodeon. And I said, ‘Well, let’s stop the tape right here. What are we doing?’”
Summers previously hosted the Nickelodeon game show “Double Dare” from 1986 to 1993.
The former host claims that they lured him in to the interview claiming that was what the documentary was about, but claims they ‘bait and switched’ him.
The star claims he walked out after questions started coming out about Brian Peck’s sexual assault of Drake Bell.
“I left. So I got a phone call about six weeks ago saying you’re totally out of the show. And I went, ‘Great.’ Then they called me about four weeks ago and said, ‘Well, you’re in it, but you’re only in the first part of it because you talked about the positive stuff of Nickelodeon,’” Summers says. “What they didn’t tell me — and they lied to me about — was the fact that they put in that other thing where they had the camera on me when they ambushed me. And so, now we get into a whole situation about who’s unethical.”
In the documentary, Summers can be seen watching a clip on his phone, asking, “Did that air on Nickelodeon?” The documentary reveals multiple suggestive scenes from “Zoey 101,” “Sam & Cat,” “Victorious” and other series run by Schnieder.
Summers went on to say that he never met Schneider, as “Double Dare” ended before Schneider’s reign began.
“Those people came in after and took over our studios. I never met the man, I have no idea about any of those things,” he says. “I mean, I know Kenan [Thompson] from ‘Kenan and Kel,’ because we’ve done stuff together. But as far as anything that happened on that show with any of those people, I never met any of them. I didn’t know anybody. But it made it seem like I knew those people.”
When asked if there’s anything he can do about this now, Summers responds, “Well, there’s a phone call coming today at 3 o’clock.”
A fifth episode of “Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV” is set to air on Sunday on ID and stream on Max. Summers’ full interview will go live on the YouTube channel for “Elvis Duran and the Morning Show” on Friday at 8:45 a.m. ET.