Alec Baldwin Alleges Evidence Withheld by Rust Prosecutors, Seeks Dismissal of Involuntary Manslaughter Charge

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In a renewed legal maneuver, Alec Baldwin is petitioning for the dismissal of his involuntary manslaughter charge related to the fatal shooting on the set of ‘Rust,’ citing alleged prosecutorial failures in evidence disclosure. Baldwin’s legal team filed a motion on Monday, June 17, contending that New Mexico prosecutors had not timely provided crucial evidence that could have bolstered Baldwin’s defense.

According to Baldwin’s attorneys, the state withheld a substantial amount of material, including “thousands of files,” “over 150,000 pages of documents,” and “dozens of gigabytes worth of data” for extended periods—some for more than a year. They argued that this evidence, if disclosed earlier, could have significantly influenced Baldwin’s trial preparations. The motion asserts that such actions by the prosecution violated Baldwin’s rights under New Mexico law and the principles established in Brady v. Maryland, which require the prosecution to share exculpatory evidence with the defense.

“Whether the State’s misconduct was intentional or purported to be just careless, severe remedies are warranted,” Baldwin’s legal team stated in their filing, underscoring the gravity of the alleged mishandling of evidence.

The motion specifically calls for Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer to either dismiss Baldwin’s indictment or mitigate the prejudice caused by the state’s actions by excluding testimony, evidence, and arguments related to the contention that Baldwin pulled the trigger during the incident.

Additionally, Baldwin’s attorneys have requested that the state disclose its final witness list and provide outstanding document productions related to Baldwin’s queries concerning the investigation. The ongoing legal proceedings have intensified the scrutiny surrounding the Rust case, which has already garnered significant public and media attention.

Previously, Judge Sommer had denied a similar motion to dismiss Baldwin’s manslaughter charge in late May, rejecting arguments related to jury instructions and grand jury procedures.

The incident in question occurred in October 2021 on the set of Rust in New Mexico, where Baldwin, holding a prop firearm, discharged it unintentionally. The shooting resulted in the tragic death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins and injuries to director Joel Souza. Baldwin has consistently maintained that he did not knowingly pull the trigger and was unaware that the gun contained live ammunition.


Judge Sommer is scheduled to preside over upcoming hearings on June 21, where she will consider additional motions, including Baldwin’s bid to dismiss the indictment and the state’s motion to compel Rust armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed to testify.

Representatives for Baldwin and the New Mexico First Judicial District Attorney’s Office did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the latest developments.

This legal saga has unfolded against a backdrop of intense public interest, reflecting broader concerns about safety protocols on film sets and the responsibilities of those involved in handling firearms during productions. As the case progresses, its outcome will continue to shape discussions surrounding accountability and procedural integrity within the entertainment industry.

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