‘Freaky Friday 2’ Scheduled for 2025 Theatrical Release: Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis Reunite On Set

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Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis, stars of the beloved 2003 comedy “Freaky Friday,” have reunited for a sequel set to hit theaters in 2025, marking over two decades since their original film collaboration.

In a heartwarming photo shared by Walt Disney Studios on June 24, Lohan, now 37, and Curtis, 65, are depicted smiling and holding hands while seated on the steps of each other’s trailers. The image serves as both a nostalgic nod to their original roles and a signal of their return to the big screen together.

The announcement of “Freaky Friday 2” being in production was met with anticipation among fans and industry insiders alike. Lohan expressed her excitement about the project earlier this year, telling PEOPLE in March that the film was “in the process” and eagerly anticipating the opportunity to work with Curtis again.

“We talk almost every other day in general, so I think we’re going to have a lot of fun with this,” Lohan remarked about reuniting with her co-star.

The decision to pursue a sequel comes amidst ongoing discussions within the entertainment industry about reviving beloved franchises. Mark Harmon, reflecting on the enduring appeal of “Freaky Friday,” indicated that if Jamie Lee Curtis was enthusiastic about the idea, it was likely to materialize.

In a recent interview commemorating the 20th anniversary of the original “Freaky Friday,” Lohan and Curtis spoke with The New York Times, reminiscing about their initial collaboration and the effortless camaraderie that defined their on-screen and off-screen relationship.

“We met in an office, did the read-through, and it was game on in a big way. I had to let go of every control mechanism and just let it fly,” Curtis recalled of their first meeting. “Lindsay was as fluid as I was. If you look at ‘The Parent Trap,’ she has a facility as an actor that is really impressive. It was a big job. It was a big production. And our relationship was very easy.”


The sequel’s confirmation has sparked renewed interest in the original film, which was praised for its comedic timing and heartfelt exploration of family dynamics. The enduring popularity of “Freaky Friday” has continued to resonate with audiences, making it a cultural touchstone that transcends generations.

As production progresses on “Freaky Friday 2,” anticipation is building within the entertainment industry for how Lohan and Curtis will revisit their iconic roles. With their proven chemistry and shared enthusiasm for the project, the sequel is poised to capture the essence of its predecessor while offering a fresh perspective on the timeless themes of identity and personal growth.

With its scheduled release in 2025, “Freaky Friday 2” promises to be a reunion that fans of the original film and newcomers alike can eagerly anticipate, marking a new chapter in the enduring legacy of Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis as Hollywood icons.

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